Title: Numb Encore Author: fuzzy_ninja//fuzzy_writes Rating: K-R Pairing or Character(s): Soundwave, Ratchet, Sari. Disclaimer: Of course I don't own it ;o; Warning(s): I should think not. Author's Note: These were written at least a year ago, scribbled on notebook paper. I thought it would interesting to share c:
Title: Use The Same Old Song Rating: multi; PG at most Pairing or Character(s): Sari, Jazz, Slo-Mo. Author's Note:derp, drabble music meme, 3/10 are TF related, 2 of which is TFA (the other being movieverse). Enjoy.
Title: Sweet Child of Mine Universe: Animated Rating: G Characters: Sari, the Allspark Warnings: Spoilers for season 3. Notes: no, i don't know where it came from.